There are two stand-out nutrients in watercress vitamin C and vitamin K. Both are abundant in the leafy green and offer a variety of benefits. Vitamin C is obviously known for its immune function. But it also plays a role in collagen production, iron absorption, protein metabolism and antioxidant defense. Most people get enough vitamin C on a daily basis. But eating watercress is a great way to ensure you’re having plenty of this helpful vitamin.
Vitamin K is a lesser-known nutrient that has several vital roles within the body. Including contributing to blood clotting and bone health. UFABET It’s most prevalent in leafy greens, and watercress is an excellent source of this vitamin.
These nutrients, along with the phytochemicals (plant compounds) in watercress make it beneficial for a variety of health conditions, such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. For example, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating 85 grams of raw watercress daily for 8 weeks caused less damage to DNA and increased antioxidant status in the body, both of which may reduce the likelihood of developing cancer. The study authors attribute these results to the antioxidants in the leafy green.
Since watercress isn’t available at every supermarket. Head to your local nursery to pick up a plant or a pack of seeds and grow it at home. Watercress loves water and sunlight and thrives on a sunny windowsill. Add the seeds or small plant to a pot of soil and submerge the bottom of the potted plant in 2-3 inches of water. Keep the soil damp at all times and leave the plant in a sunny place to watch it thrive.